Wait, Be Quiet!

Can you wait and be quiet before the Lord?

If there is anything I know about myself, it is that I am a person of action. The idea of waiting on someone else to get things done had to be a learned trait. I would say to myself, “I’ll just do it myself, then I know it’s done!”  You see, trusting others, especially when it would affect me,  my status, my reputation, or just getting things done, was a hard lesson to learn, especially as one who led others.  Frankly, in one way or another, we are all like that.  We look at trust as something that is earned when it comes to others. But then, we often translate that fleshly self-reliance and lack of trust to our relationship with God who is not only fully trustworthy but faithful!

Have you learned to wait, and be silent?  This video speaks to that issue in the life of a believer.

Wait Be Quiet




Our faith to trust in Christ in salvation is a gift of God, our trust in His grace to be wait and be quiet before Him is also.  The whole of the Bible-believing Christian’s Walk is by faith.  It is an active trust in the providence of God and His care and concern for us.

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