Category Archives: Holy Spirit

Are You Looking Ahead?

Devotional for 9/22/20 “Are You Looking Ahead?” 

Posted in Assurance, Devotionals, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Second Coming | Leave a comment

Marriage and Celibacy

Sunday message for 9/20/20 “Marriage And Celibacy” 

Posted in Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Marriage | Leave a comment

Joint Heirs With Christ

Devotional for 9/19/20 “Joint Heirs With Christ” 

Posted in Assurance, Bible, Devotionals, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ | Leave a comment

Adopted Into The Family Of God

Devotional for 9/17/20 “Adopted Into The family Of God” 

Posted in Assurance, Bible, Devotionals, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ | Leave a comment

Sons Come Of Age

Devotional for 9/15/20 “Sons Come Of Age”

Posted in Bible, Devotionals, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ | Leave a comment

We, The Temple Of The Holy Spirit

Sunday’s Message for 9/13/20 “We The Temple Of The Holy Spirit” 

Posted in Bible, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ | Leave a comment

Led By The Spirit – Part 3

Devotional for 9/8/20 “Led By The Spirit – Part 3” 

Posted in Assurance, Bible, Devotionals, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit | Leave a comment

Led By The Spirit – Part 2

Devotional for 9/5/20 “Led By The Spirit – Part 2”

Posted in Assurance, Bible, Devotionals, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit | Leave a comment

Led By The Spirit

Devotional for 9/3/20 “Led By The Spirit” 

Posted in Assurance, Bible, Devotionals, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ | Leave a comment

Victory Through The indwelling Holy Spirit

Devotional for 9/1/20 “Victory Through the Indwelling Holy Spirit” 

Posted in Assurance, Bible, Devotionals, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ | Leave a comment